Region: Italy
Fabric Name:
Orange Fiber
Citrus sinensis
Who made our fabric:
Orange Fiber, Catania, Italy
Natural history and ecology:
Established in Catania, Italy in 2014, Orange Fiber makes high quality fabric from citrus juice by-products for the fashion-luxury sector. In Italy alone, one million tons of juice byproducts are produced by the citrus industry.
Orange Fiber established a patented process, coupled with a traceable & transparent supply chain, to transform industry leftovers into an innovative bio-based fabric.
What makes this so special:
Orange Fiber is a material made from high quality silk-like cellulose extracted from citrus juice by-products, primarily orange peels Citrus sinensis, in Sicily, Italy. In Italy alone, nearly one million tons of citrus by-products are produced annually. This raw material is then sent to partners in Spain where it is spun and then sent to Como, Italy, where another partner transforms it into this exclusive fabric.
“Sustainable fabrics from citrus juice by-products.”
More about this fabric coming soon….