Regions: Brazil

Fabric Name:

Brazilian rubber and cotton

Who made our fabric:
AMADEU, Brazil

What makes this so special:

LaVeg™, a high-end biomaterial created from natural rubber and cotton. LaVeg™ is an environmentally-friendly product that is vegan, biodegradable, plastic-free, and recyclable. The materials used to create LaVeg™ are sourced responsibly. LaVeg™ features a waterproof laminated rubber surface that has the luxurious look and feel of leather. It is smooth, thick, and durable, making it an excellent choice for fashion, accessories, footwear, and furniture design. The product is available in various colors, textures, and thicknesses, and customized finishing options are available.

The pigments used in LaVeg™ are non-toxic and fully absorbed by the rubber, ensuring no liquid residues are released into nature. AMADEU follows the ISO 140001 Environmental Management standards to minimize the impact on the environment.

The natural rubber used to make LaVeg™ is sourced from rubber trees near the company's Brazilian factory, reducing the carbon footprint associated with material transportation. This has a positive impact on the environment and helps improve the lives of local producers.


The perfect alternative to 
animal and synthetic leather.

“Preserving the Amazon Rainforest is not just about protecting the trees, it's about supporting the indigenous and non-indigenous communities who live there. By working with these communities to sustainably harvest wild rubber, we not only create a source of income for them but also help preserve the biodiversity and knowledge of the rainforest.”

— Flavia Amadeu/ LaVeg™

Flavia Amadeu

Flavia Amadeu, founder and CEO of Amazonian Materials and Design United. Working with sustainable resources from the Amazon Rainforest and other areas in Brazil, Amadeu and her team offer sustainable design alternatives and a variety of services. AMADEU Materials researches rubber for design and fashion purposes, and specializes in natural rubber from the Amazon. They work there with indigenous, non-indigenous, and local communities who live in the rainforest. These people can live off of what the Amazon provides and in turn, preserve different areas of the rainforest. Wild rubbers grow organically from rubber trees that grow in the Amazon. Over the years, the materials used to collect the latex from the trees has evolved, maintaining an environmentally clean status. To color the material, water-based dyes are used, and the latex absorbs the pigment well. Local producers aid in the collection and dye processes, so the rubber biomaterials AMADEU Materials provide is supporting the conservation of the Amazon rainforest, as well as benefiting the local community. AMADEU Materials has received numerous awards for their work, and offer consultancy, private label production and design, projects on social/environmental impact, sourcing, project or product management, talks, and more.